7 Years Later: A Reflection on Nebraska Global





April was the seventh anniversary of the launch of Nebraska Global. While we spend a lot of time internally reflecting on our progress and strategy, we have never really shared it in a public forum or blog post. Like a lot of startups, we tend to be focused inward and not as concerned with how…

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A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Don’t Panic Labs (Abridged Version)





“And all dared to brave unknown terrors, to do mighty deeds, to boldly split infinitives that no man had split before–and thus was the Empire forged.” – Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams. Don’t Panic Labs (DPL) was born in 2010 as a sub brand of Nebraska Global, which was chosen as the…

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Falling Short on Training Software Developers




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I worry daily about the software we rely on in our daily lives. One need only look at the problems our airlines have had and the disruptions they have caused in our lives. I feel like there is significant risk that we will be crushed under the weight of technical debt in this software. As…

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Just Roll With It: An Unconventional Intern Story




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I have been an intern at Nebraska Global/Don’t Panic Labs since January of 2016. I work part time during the school year, and I worked full time at Nebraska Global last summer. I have been part of several different departments, and I am not even sure how to describe my job further than “intern”. I…

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Growing with Traction





Over the past year, Don’t Panic Labs has been shifting toward a different method of focusing our meetings, leadership, and growth by implementing EOS Traction. As part of this, our leadership team meets every week for an L10 Meeting. As part of these meetings, we recap the employee and company Headlines from the previous week,…

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Doug Durham of Don't Panic Labs at Infotec 2017 in Omaha, Nebraska.

Infotec 2017





Infotec 2017 wasn’t the first Infotec we’ve attended—and certainly won’t be the last. AIM continues to organize a solid conference full of great speakers and genuinely helpful material for IT professionals. And in that spirit, we really appreciate that slides from all the sessions are posted after the conference. This year we really felt at…

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We Are All Michael Scott





“This is an environment of welcoming, and you should just get the hell out of here.” Michael Scott was the lead character of The Office. He wasn’t a particularly mean towards most of his employees (except for Toby), but he is maybe the most cringe-worthy character in all of TV history. Why was does he…

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Brian Zimmer's innovator's reading list

An Innovator’s Reading List




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Two years ago, I suggested a series of books helpful to innovators in both startups and corporate settings. Since that time, I’ve continued to see a flood of recommended reading lists (many with great recommended books) focused on the innovation process. It occurred to me this last week that many of these lists, including mine,…

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Grace Hopper Celebration Of Women in Computing 2K16





Note: This year we have two interns at Don’t Panic Labs, Maggie Witzenburg and Tara Brookhouser. They recently attended the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in Houston, TX. We’re honored to have them as part of our team this year and appreciate the time they took to share their experience. This past week…

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Don't Panic Labs - Funability in software development teams

Funability, Part 2 – Leverage Your Leadership Roles




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Note: This post was co-authored by Chad Michel. The rest of this 5-part series can be found here: Part 1 – What and Why Part 3 – Maximizing Productivity Part 4 – Processes Can Be Fun Part 5 – A Layered Approach To Quality In our previous post we covered how we think software development…

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