Mocking Email Addresses for Testing




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Many people I’ve talked to know how to find a dummy credit card number for testing. And if you don’t, here’s a link: Fewer people that I’ve talked to know where to find dummy email addresses, and this info was more difficult for me to find online. If you’re working in a legacy codebase…

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Locking in JavaScript, Just Like C#





Recently, I ran into an issue with loading data from a JSON file that was supposed to be generated through a separate process. If that process failed, I wanted to create a temporary fallback mechanism that would get the same data loaded. The problem was that the data in the JSON file was supposed to…

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A Call for a Standard of Care in Software Product Development





Introduction: Why You Need to Care It’s astonishing and yet unsurprising, given the last few decades of rapid technological growth, that the software industry remains so vulnerable to failure. Despite being the backbone of nearly every facet of modern life—transportation, healthcare, education, finance—software development is plagued by alarming inefficiencies and inconsistencies. We’re at a critical…

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Angular Adventures: A Journey to Building an Angular Application – Part 4




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Mastering Data Management: Arrays and Loops in TypeScript The final core pieces we will explore in the last post of this series are arrays and loops. As a beginner, I found that arrays and loops are essential tools in TypeScript, tying together many of the foundational concepts we’ve learned so far. Let’s start with arrays….

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Angular Adventures: A Journey to Building an Angular Application – Part 3




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Understanding Classes and Objects in Angular So far in our Angular Adventures, we’ve covered two main concepts that will help us along with our Angular development journey: TypeScript, and why we use it, and Assignment Statements, and the meaning and purpose of each. In this post, we’ll dive into two more key fundamentals: Classes and…

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Artificial Intelligence Radically Changes Viability in Innovation




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It’s impossible to have a conversation on innovation without wandering into artificial intelligence. Although it feels like AI has advanced lightyears in a mere matter of months, and in many ways, it has, the truth is that AI is a broad field and has been advancing for years. Recent advances in generative/large language models and…

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LINQ Functions in C# with an SQLite Database




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While writing a query to filter some data from a database using LINQ, I ran into an issue. My query ran correctly, and all my data was populating correctly in the browser. However, when I went to write tests, even the simplest test gave me this error. The error is pretty simple: SQLite does not…

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Angular Adventures: A Journey to Building an Angular Application – Part 2




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The Backbone of Your Angular App: Assignment Statements In my last post, I explored the world of Typescript and the benefits of using it for creating Angular Applications, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer. In this post, we are diving into an essential feature of Angular: assignment statements. What are Assignment Statements? Simply…

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Angular Adventures: A Journey to Building an Angular Application – Part 1




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Welcome to Angular Adventures: A Journey to Building an Angular Application. In this blog series, I will discuss the ins and outs of what it takes to write an Angular application, exploring key concepts and tools that are essential to mastering Angular. I’ll start with TypeScript and why we use it at Don’t Panic Labs….

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Using an Access Control List to Block IP Addresses from Cognito




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AWS Cognito is a very solid authentication service. We often use Cognito as an identity provider (IdP) for the applications we build. We redirect to Cognito, and then Cognito redirects back to us. Cognito gives us a code that we can use to get a JSON Web Token (JWT) to access our services. It’s a…

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