A Model for Team Decision-Making





Every day, we face many different decisions. Some are small, while others have the potential to impact the course of our lives. We strive to make the best decisions we can and in the most efficient ways possible. Much of what I learned in college regarded making decisions as an individual—seeking out information, weighing pros…

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One Tool to Consider When Tackling the Dreaded Backlog





It doesn’t matter if you are a startup, a company that has found your product-market-fit, or you have found business-model-fit…chances are you still have a backlog prioritization problem. These problems come in all shapes and sizes: an unruly backlog, a lack of clarity on the things in your backlog, duplicate user stories/features, no level of…

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Using an Access Control List to Block IP Addresses from Cognito




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AWS Cognito is a very solid authentication service. We often use Cognito as an identity provider (IdP) for the applications we build. We redirect to Cognito, and then Cognito redirects back to us. Cognito gives us a code that we can use to get a JSON Web Token (JWT) to access our services. It’s a…

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Get an Overview




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After we have a rough mental model of a software system, we often want to get an overview of the system. In this step, we are trying to peel back one more layer. Where a mental model is a rough understanding of the system, an overview is deeper and more complete. We often jump straight…

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How to Send GCM Messages Using C#





In my previous blog post, I mentioned how to send APNS messages using C#. In this post, I will do the same using GCM. Sending a GCM message is very similar, but in this case we will use a different NuGet package. You will need to install the FirebaseAdmin NuGet package. The first step of…

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Sending APNS Push Notifications Using C#





Over the years, we have built many mobile applications across numerous industries. One of the most common features of these mobile applications is sending push notifications. Most applications we have built have used third-party services to send these notifications. But how hard is it to send APNS notifications? It’s really not that hard. But why…

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Reflections on Attending the Kansas City Developer Conference (KCDC 2024)




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The Kansas City Developer Conference (KCDC) consists of a full day of participatory workshops, two days full of talks, an evening mixer, a whole lot of sponsor booths, some regretful karaoke, great barbeque, great bars, and at least one actual magician. Today, we’re talking about my attendance at the 15th annual KCDC, held June 26th…

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Making a Mental Model




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What does a year look like? This is a question you may have been asked before. And there is a variety of works out there discussing the differences in how people perceive a year. Ultimately, many people have some sort of circle for a year. When creating a software system, we should create a mental…

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Cognito Basic User Operations in C#





When building a solution on top of Cognito, we will often build on top of the existing Cognito user interface. But, it is possible to make all of the authentication calls without using it in a UI. In this blog post, I’ll show how to use C# to make these calls. You probably should avoid…

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Rate-Limiting Requests with RxJS





Recently, I had an issue in a front-end application in which a user was allowed to click around a calendar and begin loading any day that was tapped. Each day triggered a semi-expensive API call, which could take a second or two to complete. The user was free to click around on more days and…

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