Testing Session in MVC in Four Lines of Code





Controller testing in the model-view-controller (MVC) is simple. ?The level of difficulty is increased with the use of Session in the controller, but only slightly. In this post I show how to simply test controllers which use Session. Let’s try testing this controller method: The following code (in a test project) will throw a null…

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Custom Plugin Modules





By far my favorite feature of .NET reflection is the ability to easily implement custom plugin libraries. Whenever you have a nice generic business class that suddenly needs custom functionality for a particular scenario or customer, you usually have three choices: Implement the custom code in the library itself. This is the quick and dirty…

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Whew! We finally have our website and blog in place. Now we can get down to business. Early on, we knew we wanted to share our experience and thoughts about software engineering, development tips/tricks, and entrepreneurship. We thought it only made sense that we set up a blog so we could regularly share our thoughts…

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