Getting SSL Certificates on AWS Elastic Load Balancers in Windows





Author’s note: This article was put together with help from these posts: ServerFault post, another ServerFault post, Anu Chandy post. They have great info, but lacked a full step-by-step explanation. The prompt from AWS for uploading a new SSL certificate can be a little scary: Here are some steps that can help you get an…

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Thoughts on ‘Generation STEM’ from the Girl Scout Research Institute




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The STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) fields are important. One of the saddest realities of our field is the huge drop in the percentage of women in computer science over the past few decades. The Girl Scouts Research Institute took a good look at why that’s happening and how to change it. (PDF) After surveying…

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Rounded Corners with Transparent Backgrounds in WPF





Rounded corners for a WPF app can give it an impressive look. But problems can arise when you don’t have attributes on the window set up quite right. For example, we have a white background that’s killing the corner roundness. Luckily there’s an easy way to get rid of that. First, set the AllowsTransparency property…

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The Odd-yssey: My Epic Journey Chasing Down Webpage Performance Issues





No debugging adventure is boring. As a case in point, I was recently trying to nail down the cause of some weird behavior experienced by a specific customer with a specific setup on a specific mobile device running EliteForm’s Paperless application. The majority of the work on Paperless was completed by our student-lead Design Studio…

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You Can Support Teaching Kids to Code





We put a lot of time and effort into teaching 3rd-5th graders in Lincoln how to code through Community Learning Centers (CLC). They’re using Scratch, ROBOTS, and being extra creative while learning teamwork and problem-solving skills. We want to expand this program to even more schools, but we need your help. Give to Lincoln Day…

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Learning to Code





A lot of people have been asking recently, “How do I get into coding?” We happen to really, really love coding and are happy to share what we know. We realize that everyone’s journey is different and emphasize that there certainly is no silver bullet that guarantees success. With that in mind, we assembled some…

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Non-Social Startups





We see a lot in the news about startups that seem to be primarily focused on social media and hype. Often, it seems they only want to acquire users but provide them no (or very little) value. But what we don’t hear about very much are what I like to call the “others”; the startups…

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We Love When People Learn to Code





We love when people learn to code and we love teaching folks to code. It’s a great investment in ourselves and our community. Omaha Code School has been in the news lately. They have quite the space. But, like true hipsters, we thought of this first. 🙂 Here are some fun facts about Lincoln Code…

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Dynamic Splash Screens in WPF





There’s a lot going on when an EliteForm PowerTracker starts up. Some of it isn’t our code, but some of it is. Here’s a high-level list of what happens: Load PowerTracker Load environment file Register events Initialize background workers Initialize queues Retrieve saved user options Check internet connectivity Fetch team data and icons from the…

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Thoughts on the Inc Magazine 500 CEO Survey




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Hopefully everyone has heard that Nebraska’s own Hudl was named to Inc. Magazine’s 500 Fastest Growing Private Companies in America. Major props to their team for their extremely hard work and smart choices (and a little bit of luck) during the last seven years. Hopefully, you’ll see us on the list in the next few…

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