Uploading a Video from Angular to Amazon S3





The ability to upload files from HTML applications has existed for a long time. But in many modern scenarios, we are uploading very large files such as videos, and they are potentially uploading to a cloud blob technology such as Amazon S3. In this blog post, we are going to upload a file to S3…

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Setting Up Injection Tokens with Dynamic Values





Injection tokens are a popular way of providing dependencies in Angular. They are used to provide a value, such as a service instance or a configuration setting, to a component or other part of the application. Below is a simple example of setting up an injection token and using it. Suppose you have a constant…

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Sending Messages to Azure Service Bus Queue Using Node.js




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Azure Service Bus is an excellent glue technology that we can use to handle the communication between our subsystems. We often use Azure Service Bus as the “queue” between our subsystems, which works great. We usually build our backend systems using C#/.NET, but what if we need to send a message using Node.js? Node.js is…

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How to Set Up User Secrets for .NET Core Projects in Visual Studio





What are secrets, and why would you want to use them? Secrets are hidden configuration values that are not checked into source control or deployed. These commonly include values such as passwords, API keys, and certificates. In .NET Core, Microsoft provides a package to set up secrets on the level of individual projects. These secrets…

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Giving Someone Access to Your AWS Account





Sometimes you need to let someone else configure your AWS account for you. There are two options. One option is to create an IAM user with AdministratorAccess, and the second would be to use AWS IAM Identity Center. In this blog post, we will cover using the IAM user option. Visit https://console.aws.amazon.com to access your…

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Quick Look – Luxon




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In JavaScript projects, we have been using MomentJS for a lot of the date math that happens in much of the business software we write. The MomentJS team is pushing for Luxon as the replacement. To get started with Luxon, you need to install it with npm. npm install luxon Luxon works a lot like…

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Working with Styra on Windows





I was working on a research project that involved evaluating Styra, but it took me a couple of days before I was able to write my first policy. Styra provides authorization policy management for native cloud apps. It is built on top of the open-source Open Policy Agent. What bothered me was that the numerous…

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Creating Tray Applications with Electron

Creating Tray Applications with Electron





Electron is a technology that allows developers to create desktop applications using web technologies. This approach has a few advantages. First, it will enable us to create a desktop application using web technologies. Second, it allows us to create a single application that works on Windows and Mac. There are many good examples of applications…

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Passing Data to Any Angular Component on Router Navigation





There are several different ways to pass data from one component to the next. We will briefly discuss a few of these options and then implement passing data from a component you’re navigating away from to the component you navigated to using router NavigationExtras. Finally, we’ll end the discussion with a brief list of considerations…

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DynamoDB Streams




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AWS’s DynamoDB is a managed NoSQL data store (non-relational data store). Often, we will want some sort of audit or logging of who is changing data. This can be done using DynamoDB streams. DynamoDB Stream will send all changes to a Lambda function we write. First, let’s create a new Lambda function. The code just…

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