Getting Started with LM Studio




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Many large language models (LLMs) provide features similar to ChatGPT. These custom models offer several benefits. For example, you can host them yourself, which could benefit some projects and environments. And there are models tuned for particular use cases, like coding or text processing. And then, some models are great for providing chatbot experiences in…

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Using AWS Cognito with Google Authentication




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Adding social authentication to your application should be pretty simple. And if you started with AWS Cognito, adding something like Google authentication is straightforward. In this post, we will add Google authentication to an existing AWS Cognito User Pool. To configure your Google identity provider, we will need Client ID, a Client Secret, and an…

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Creating and Running a Docker Container: A Step-by-Step Guide





Running a Docker container locally is a convenient method for packaging and deploying applications. In this blog post, we’ll walk through the step-by-step process of running a Docker container from an ASP.NET Core project directory. This guide covers installing Docker, creating a Docker image, running the container, and accessing the application endpoint. Let’s dive in!…

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Quick Look – Ionic Start Wizard




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We have used Ionic for quite a few projects here at Don’t Panic Labs. It has worked in many situations when we want a mobile application but don’t want to build it as a fully native app. You can quickly create an Ionic application by running the Ionic CLI command: Ionic start When running that…

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Sending Emails with Azure Communication Services




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Sending emails is a pretty known technical space. Many of us have sent emails using a variety of services. One you maybe haven’t tried is Azure Communication Services, which is still in preview at the time of this blog post. Here’s how you set up Azure Communications to send emails from your applications. Create a…

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Working With Stripe’s SDK

Working With Stripe’s SDK





Stripe is an e-commerce solution for supporting payments in your web applications. Integrating Stripe into your application is almost too easy, and their integrations put a very low barrier upon the integration. While their integration is easy and fast, you still do have to write some code to tie your system to the information in…

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Finding Answers to Your Programming Questions

Finding Answers to Your Programming Questions





We all search the web for answers to our programming questions. Sometimes the answers are more engineering in nature, but sometimes it’s something simple. For example, how many columns can you put into a single table in SQL Server? The correct answer: 1,024. This led me to wonder how many columns you can put into…

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Generating Pre-signed URIs with Azure Blob Storage





It is common to have files stored in Azure Blob storage, but we occasionally need to allow others to access those files. Sometimes we need to allow someone to upload a file; other times, we need to allow someone to download a file. Either way, we usually only want to allow partial control of the…

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Quick Look – Html Agility Pack

Quick Look – Html Agility Pack




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Software projects often come down to transforming data from one format to another. A common situation involves extracting some data from HTML. This can occur when transferring data from a legacy system, and the best way to do it is screen scraping. There are a variety of options available when screen scraping, but a really…

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Multiple Azure Functions in the Same File

Multiple Azure Functions in the Same File





Azure Functions are very useful for hosting APIs in the cloud or for responding to asynchronous events in our cloud systems. Azure Functions also have a nice pricing model for startups; they can be priced on a per-consumption basis which can reduce monthly costs until you start to get real usage, which often takes longer…

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