Using Microsoft CoPilot to Create API Contracts from Other Smaller Contracts





“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”― Bill Gates Problem We have an established API with a lot of existing functionality. Part of that functionality was the ability to build up requests that could be posted to external APIs for…

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Upgrading a .NET 6 Function App API to .NET 8 Web API





A while ago, we decided to use an Azure Function App as a Web Api. That was when .NET 6 was new. That filter was used to handle some events around the function methods security. Let’s not dwell on if that …

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Working with Styra on Windows





I was working on a research project that involved evaluating Styra, but it took me a couple of days before I was able to write my first policy. Styra provides authorization policy management for native cloud apps. It is built on top of the open-source Open Policy Agent. What bothered me was that the numerous…

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How to Use Angular FormArray(s) within FormGroup(s) In Reactive Forms

How to Use Angular FormArray(s) within FormGroup(s) In Reactive Forms





Are you trying to use a FormArray on a dynamic/reactive Angular Form, but it is not working? This should help you solve your problem. Start by setting up a new project: ng new [name your project] Then create the component: ng g component [component name] You should now see something like this: Next, let’s add…

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Setting Up an Azure File Share on a VM




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For a recent project I was working on, we needed to set up a new FTP server. This server would receive files via FTP, and then these files would be moved to a temporary machine for further processing. This process needed to be automated and be executed reliably, and without having to log in or…

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Subtle Differences Using jQuery Event Handlers





At first glance, these event handlers look almost the same. You probably won’t even find a functional difference in most cases. But trust me, they are hours apart in functionality. $(“#order-details tr”).on(‘click’, function(evt) {/*do something*/}); VS $(“#order-details”).on(‘click’, ‘tr’, function(evt) {/*do something*/}); Let me tell you my story. I was working on a large project with…

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SQL Aliasing – Why You Need It





Quick word on Aliasing. In the past few months I have come across a SQL issue that occurs in many different configurations, across various physical locations, and amongst several engineers. Since it was so prevalent I thought it might be helpful to talk about aliasing SQL instances. When you install a SQL instance, no matter…

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Setting Up Octopus Server





It may seem like I’m doing a lot of setup lately (see my last post on setting up Continuous Integration). And part of that is true, but I’m also coming up against the realization that so many of the systems we need to stand up are never documented enough to get you through some of…

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Setting Up Continuous Integration with TeamCity




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For one of my recent projects I needed to set up Continuous Integration from scratch on a server. Having never done this before I found myself assembling all the required components, installing them, and configuring them (and struggling now and then through some of the gotchas that came up). To save anyone who may have…

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Cleaning up the dirtyPath





One of our recent projects involved creating Excel functionality inside a custom application we built for a client. After a few iterations where we tried to emulate most of the basic features of Excel (including enabling the pasting of tables through a lot of parsing and basic table functionalities), it became clear that we would…

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