Passing Data to Any Angular Component on Router Navigation




There are several different ways to pass data from one component to the next. We will briefly discuss a few of these options and then implement passing data from a component you’re navigating away from to the component you navigated to using router NavigationExtras. Finally, we’ll end the discussion with a brief list of considerations…

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What Type of Mistake




I am not good at drawing; I wish I were, but I am not. I got a lot of practice when my kids were younger. We spent a lot of time drawing with chalk on our driveway and sidewalks. We often drew things my kids were into at the time: cars, families, and trains. For…

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Getting Started with Passport




An advantage of NodeJS is that there is a ton of available software. Probably more software libraries are available for NodeJS than any platform. One of those libraries is Passport, which can be used to handle authentication. Getting Passport set up and running isn’t difficult but does require a few steps. First, we must install…

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Perfect is the Enemy of Good




So you want everything to work out just right; get and keep everything in a perfect and clean state. I think many of us engineering types want everything neat and 100% predictable. I know I tend to be this way. But often, this tendency works against us. Pushing for perfect, or the complete handling of…

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DynamoDB Streams



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AWS’s DynamoDB is a managed NoSQL data store (non-relational data store). Often, we will want some sort of audit or logging of who is changing data. This can be done using DynamoDB streams. DynamoDB Stream will send all changes to a Lambda function we write. First, let’s create a new Lambda function. The code just…

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Using Azure to Securely Restore a MySQL Database

We had a need to move an on-premises MySQL Database to an Azure Flexible Server MySQL database. We could have taken the insecure path of sending a backup of the original database to a developer and restoring it from their local machine, but that would have led to customer data on their machine. We were…

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Quick Look – RestSharp



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It is very common to make REST API calls as part of our applications today. REST APIs are probably the most common API flavor out there. The ease of interacting with REST APIs is perhaps the biggest driver for REST APIs becoming so popular. You can make REST API calls using pretty low-level tools in…

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The Magic of Git Bisect

The Magic of Git Bisect (And Why Small Commits Are Important!)




Have you ever had a bug slip through CI/CD, and the code you were CERTAIN worked a while back is no longer working as designed? If the bug is hard to find or in a piece of code that is hard to debug, git bisect may be the tool you are looking for. If you…

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.NET Cold Starts

.NET Cold Starts




I love .NET and C#, and I think it is the best platform for writing software in many ways. C# was created to make it easier to write quality business software. And it has evolved to be better and better. But there is one thing that still isn’t fixed with .NET: Cold starts. In software…

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I am always on the lookout for new tools and frameworks for writing software. While I bump into many tools that I’ll probably never use, Avalonia is one that I actually hope to try out soon. For me, Avalonia is a spiritual successor of WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), a framework that really needed a V2….

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