Rider For .NET Developers: An In-Depth Review





Selecting the right development tools is pivotal. It’s essential not only to have a broad array of features but also to ensure those tools are user-friendly and efficient. Over recent years, my preference has strongly leaned towards JetBrains’ Rider IDE. Rider stands shoulder to shoulder with the full Visual Studio IDE, boasting features from solution…

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Lowering Overhead with Fastify




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NodeJS is one of the more common server hosting environments out there. We at Don’t Panic Labs tend to use .NET instead of NodeJS for the hosting of backend systems, but I like to use NodeJS for a lot of my experiments as it often forces me to learn new things. When standing something up…

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Using Azure Table Storage





Azure Storage tables are simple; they’re basically rows and columns. Storage tables can be used to store data much like you would with Azure SQL. While Azure SQL has more features, there is something nice about the simplicity of Storage tables. Once you get your data into storage tables, you will likely need to see…

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Sending Emails with Azure Communication Services




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Sending emails is a pretty known technical space. Many of us have sent emails using a variety of services. One you maybe haven’t tried is Azure Communication Services, which is still in preview at the time of this blog post. Here’s how you set up Azure Communications to send emails from your applications. Create a…

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Quick Look – Html Agility Pack

Quick Look – Html Agility Pack




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Software projects often come down to transforming data from one format to another. A common situation involves extracting some data from HTML. This can occur when transferring data from a legacy system, and the best way to do it is screen scraping. There are a variety of options available when screen scraping, but a really…

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Sending Messages to Azure Service Bus Queue Using Node.js




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Azure Service Bus is an excellent glue technology that we can use to handle the communication between our subsystems. We often use Azure Service Bus as the “queue” between our subsystems, which works great. We usually build our backend systems using C#/.NET, but what if we need to send a message using Node.js? Node.js is…

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Using AWS Cognito as an Identity Provider





AWS Cognito is an identity provider we can use to manage users in our systems. Cognito supports a simple oauth2 sign-in flow. Following this flow makes it pretty straightforward for users to sign in or sign up. Before doing anything else, you must create an AWS Cognito user pool in the AWS Console. For this…

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Using AWS Elemental MediaConvert





Before hosting a video, you usually need to encode it into bitrates that perform well for various situations. AWS has Elemental MediaConvert, a service that generates videos for online distribution. When you first get started, a wall of options emerges. But when you walk through the wall, it isn’t that bad. First, we have to…

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Video Playback with Azure Media Player





In my earlier blog post about Azure Media Services, we transcoded our video for better hosting on the web. In this blog post, we will host the video for playback. This starts with creating a streaming locator, which will handle the requests from our video player. One thing about streaming locators is that they can…

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Quick Look – Postman Newman





Building software often requires running many experiments. Some of these experiments can involve making HTTP requests to a backend. When developing a new API, I usually end up with a pretty comprehensive collection inside Postman, the tool I use to test APIs. If you’re like me, your Postman collection can be something you forget about…

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