How To: Embed Power BI in a Web Application





I was working on a project recently where we needed to embed a Power BI report into a .NET web application. In talking with one of our other engineers, I quickly got the feeling this might be a fairly involved endeavor, and that it would take some trial and error to get everything configured correctly….

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Saving Time with the DataTestMethod Attribute





Automated testing has come a long way over the years. I remember using NUnit back in the early days of .NET when you needed a separate application to run unit tests. Since then, support for automated testing has improved to the point where we can run unit tests right from within Visual Studio. In this…

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Configure SQL Server Column Encryption with Azure Key Vault





The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is my favorite Zelda game. Actually, it is one of my favorite games of all time. In my opinion, it is nearly perfect. It’s not too difficult, but it also makes you work. Lots of things to do. Nice 2D graphics. Just a very enjoyable game….

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Quick Look – Mocking in the UI with Xamarin Forms





Xamarin Forms is a handy UI framework. It provides a way to create a UI that works on both iOS and Android. But it has something else that is novel: it gives us an easy way to create a screen with mock data. With Xamarin Forms, you can preview within Visual Studio (both Mac and…

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Quick Look – A Console on the Web





I love console applications. For some reason, the simplicity of the interaction appeals to me. But today we do a lot of web development where many of our solutions end up with some web portal. Couldn’t we have a console/terminal on the web? Yes, we can! There is an awesome project to get Xterm support…

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Mocking with API Management





Today we live in a world of service-oriented architecture, often with some sort of single page application (SPA) or mobile application on the front end. Those clients call to our backends running in the cloud. This is pretty much the pattern we see in many of the systems we build today. A majority of systems…

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Visual Studio Angular Template with Full CLI Support





It is common for the team here at Don’t Panic Labs to use an Angular SPA that communicates with a .NET Core backend. Typically we have done so as two wholly separate projects: one for our .NET world and one for our Angular world. For a while, Microsoft has provided a Visual Studio template that…

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SameSite Cookie Settings: A Quick Fix for Broken Cross-Site Cookie Handling





Recently we received reports that an integration into one of our applications was no longer working. This integration used an iframe to display a portion of a website, hosted in Azure running .NET Framework v4.7.2, inside of another company’s website. This process was intended to work with authenticated users. Instead of automatically being logged in…

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How to Self-Host a Web API with .NET Framework





Sometimes you just want to host an HTTP endpoint from your existing code. You may have an existing process, but you need some sort of HTTP way to interact with the running process. The advantage of hosting within an existing process isn’t obvious, but it allows us to deploy an HTTP endpoint without having to…

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Searching Word and PDF Documents with Elasticsearch and Apache Tika





Having the ability to search through a folder of documents, particularly Microsoft Word and PDF files, can be an excellent feature to build into systems. But how do you go about this? Which technologies can one use to bring this to life without a ton of effort? Based on my experience, leveraging a combination of…

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