What I Love About Nebraska Global and Don’t Panic Labs





There are many things I love about working at Nebraska Global/Don’t Panic Labs, but one of my favorites is how we don’t get caught up in hype, PR, and buzz. A little while ago, we completed our capital raise of $37.3 million. We actually overshot our target of $30 million and ended up turning down…

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Dodgeball and Coding: More Alike Than You Think





Recently, one of our intern teams and two full-timers got to hop down to the Boys & Girls Club for some volunteering. It wasn’t your usual volunteer outing; they got to play dodgeball with the kids! The teams ended up being the young kids vs. the “old folks”, but it was a surprisingly even match….

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SELECT Build Deploy from TFS 2010




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TFS has always provided great ways to build your projects and solutions: Builds are easily started and reviewed by different members on the team Builds are automatically versioned and backed up Work items and bugs can be associated with individual builds Deploying a web application is a slightly tricky matter. These apps are easily deployed…

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Remote Shelving/Unshelving Changes in Team Foundation Server





Let’s talk shelving. Not the kind you try to build in your garage that never fits together, and not a bunch of milk cartons stacked on each other. I’m talking about source control shelvesets. Think of them as a snapshot of your local workspace at a given time. We use them a lot in many…

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More Than a Way to Unwind





At Don’t Panic Labs, we’re lucky enough to have various ways to unwind after several hours of productive, heads down development. When we’re not scheming and devising contraptions to unleash a deluge of cheeseballs on an unsuspecting victim, we can always take out some pent-up energy on one of our pinball machines. These vintage pieces…

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Interns Invade!





This week marks the largest single influx of personnel the Don’t Panic Labs office has ever experienced. With summer break beginning, we are welcoming 23 student interns from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to start what we expect to be an exciting and fruitful experience for everyone. The students are divided into four separate teams, each…

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Careful, Interns Are Sharp




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It’s shaping up to be a great summer here in Lincoln with our summer interns joining us soon. We’re pretty excited to see them flex their development muscle and to let them take a peek at just what goes on around here. We’ll post more details about the program later, but for now let’s look…

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March Madness with Infer.NET




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As a “joint venture” (over a few drinks) with our friend from Hudl, Kyle Deterding, we decided to use the Halo-style matchmaking algorithm to predict the NCAA tournament. The algorithm uses Microsoft Reasearch’s Infer.NET framework to handle the math and statistics that go into these models. Kyle wrote a great introduction post explaining it at…

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“Transforming” App.Config Files in a TFS Build





Do you develop using your production or staging SQL server? If so, please don’t. If not, great! How do you keep track of which Web.Config is pushed to your server? VS2010 has an improved Web Deploy process that allows you to use config transforms to adjust your Web.Config files based on the build configuration. Scott…

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