UI Development Without a Backend?





UI development can be a significant risk for a project. UIs are what users interact with, and waiting for the UI to be done at the end can endanger your project’s timeline or negatively impact a user’s experience with it. Building software in the most efficient way often starts by building from the bottom up….

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Our Sources




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At Don’t Panic Labs, we have a pretty well thought out philosophy of software development. Philosophy is the combination of two Greek words philo (or “lover”) and sophia (or “wisdom”). So philosophy could be considered “love of wisdom.” Software development is what we do every day. We want to be wise software developers. We didn’t…

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Requirements – Executive Summary




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Fingers on the keyboard is the fastest way to get a project off track. When writing software, jumping straight into code is almost always the wrong decision. Sometimes we architect-types think we need to start whiteboarding solutions. Starting there is also the wrong decision. What’s more important than either of those is requirements? We have…

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Angular Unit Testing

Quick Look – Angular Unit Testing




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Unit testing is a valuable part of any development process. It isn’t as useful as many developers make it out to be; there are many things developers should be focused on more than unit tests. Code review is one such thing. But just because it isn’t the most important thing, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be…

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Quick Look – Angular HTTP Calls




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In my previous post, we focused on binding some data in the UI to data being returned from our ContactsService. In this post, we are going to make this a little more real and modify that service to call an ASP.NET Core backend. For starters, let’s write a quick ASP.NET Core backend that will handle…

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Spooky Software Failures




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Software is pretty amazing. Without software, a lot of problems could never be solved. Without software, we couldn’t do a lot of things on massive scales. But software has its problems. As a whole, we as an industry don’t have a great track record of preventing these problems. One type of software we would all…

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Quick Look – Angular Data Binding




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In my previous post, we took a quick look at Angular’s routing. In this post, we are taking a quick look at Angular’s data binding. One thing that’s pretty lame about our previous example is all the data is just backed into the page. With this blog post, we are going to pull static data…

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Angular Routing

Quick Look – Angular Routing




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One of the great things about Angular is that it provides everything pretty much out of the box. You don’t have to string together a bunch of tools, you can just focus on solving problems. In this blog post, we are going to focus on the Angular Router. Since Angular is a single page application…

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Top 10 Quotes to Use in Meetings





#10 – “You’ll thank me later.” You can never go wrong quoting Monk.   #9 – “Plans are worthless, planning is essential.” This famous quote from Dwight Eisenhower is often useful when discussing plans. It gets to the heart that of planning, that the plan isn’t the important outcome, it is the planning.   #8…

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“Software is hard.” – Donald Knuth Shipping software is hard. Supporting software can be even harder if you don’t set yourself up for success. If you have customers, you can’t just push the Ship It button and run away. Why is supporting software so difficult? One of the reasons is that re-creating what users are…

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