Dynamically Resizing UITableViewCells in Xamarin.iOS





I recently needed to implement a UI that required a UITableViewCell to have an expandable “notes” fields within it, with the expansion triggered by a button within the cell itself. Getting this to work was a little tricky. So if you find yourself in this situation, I hope you can get some ideas from me,…

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Unit Testing .NET with JustMock (tips and common pitfalls)





In this post, I’d like to share a few tips to get up and running with the Telerik mocking framework JustMock, so you can easily and quickly write tests that give you that warm-and-fuzzy feeling you crave from your code. Notes I assume some familiarity with the concepts of unit testing, dependency injection (DI), Inversion…

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Visual Studio Team Services – Triggering A Build From A Build (Using PowerShell)




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As of April 2016, Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) does not support triggering a build from another build. This presents a problem if you want your setup to do something like start two builds from a single pull request onto a branch (because VSTS does not support starting multiple builds from one pull request trigger)….

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Authenticating With A Custom Claims-Based Identity





In one of our recent projects, we were managing data back and forth between two websites: one set up for an intranet with Active Directory authentication and the other set up to face external traffic with Identity authentication. In the project, a need arose to authenticate a user from the Active Directory intranet site on…

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Browser Debugging Between OS X and Visual Studio in Parallels




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Over the last seven months I’ve been developing web applications using Visual Studio in Parallels 10, and the experience is alternatingly fantastic and frustrating, depending on the day. Some days I get the performance I want out of Parallels, and other days it’s incredibly sluggish and quirky, especially when debugging in a browser. After several…

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