Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – September 8, 2017





Here are some of the articles we’ve been reading around this office this week. Designing IoT Products for Consumers – “Rather than trying to breathe life into inert objects, designers should focus on designing IoT products that are mute and functional.” 4 Examples of How AR & VR Will Improve Customer Service – “The internet made…

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Getting Started with Azure Cosmos DB, Part 4 – Partition Keys





We have gone through quite a bit of Azure Cosmos-related posts the last few weeks, but we have skipped over the concept of partition keys in almost of the queries we have covered. Ignoring the partition key is probably fine for these small data sets, but for real workloads we should probably think this through….

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Generating Print Graphics on the Web Using SVG





While redesigning our tradeshow booth, I needed an image of outer space. Google image search to the rescue, at least for a placeholder. After a few rounds of revisions, the design was nearly complete. But I was still using the placeholder star field. I could have bought a stock image, found a free one to…

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Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – September 1, 2017





Here are some of the articles we’ve been reading around this office this week. How One Insurance Firm Learned to Create an Innovation Culture – “Creating a culture of innovation is about much more than hiring a Chief Innovation Officer or creating a new department. Culture change takes time and significant effort, and shifting culture…

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Using Git From PowerShell with Multiple Hosts





I do almost all of my Git work via the command line and so should you. As a tool that developers use every day, it is important that we understand what is happening. I find that most Git GUIs hide too much and developers that rely on them exclusively are often unaware of how Git…

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Getting Started with Azure Cosmos DB, Part 3 – SQL Queries





In my first post, we performed some really basic CRUD queries against Azure Cosmos DB. In my second post, we went a little deeper and refined our queries. In this post, we are going to be using SQL to query Cosmos. Yep, SQL. First, we will rewrite our count method. Previously, we did something that…

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From Educator to Software Engineer, Part 2 – Interviews and Interns





Make sure to check out part 1 of my series if you haven’t done so yet. I am a 30-year-old developer finishing my first year as a software engineer. I didn’t get where I am by any traditional means, but I’ve learned some things along the way that might encourage someone to follow their interest…

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don't panic labs reading list

DPL Reading List – August 25, 2017





Here are some of the articles we’ve been reading around this office this week. How Gatorade Invented New Products by Revisiting Old Ones – “The calls to leave behind old, tired products can be strong, and forging a new path can be tremendously exciting. But in a volatile and uncertain global business economy, it makes…

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Getting Started with Azure Cosmos DB, Part 2 – More Advanced Queries





Our first post covering Azure Cosmos DB was pretty basic. If you noticed, our READ query was always returning all results. So even if we wanted to find a single item, we had to return all of the items. That plan has obvious problems. If we look at the code below, we can see that…

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Where Are They Now?





We are not a lifestyle company. This is a sentiment I made clear at a recent Don’t Panic company meeting. It’s not that we have anything against companies where employees settle in for their entire careers, but that’s just not who we are (or ever aspire to be). I’m not saying anything new here. This…

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