Creating a Custom Bundler





We decided to use Angular on a public-facing website project for a customer. After we completed a good chunk of the front-end development, I noticed a high number of requests for markup templates were being made when our page loaded. I knew that there had to be a way to reduce this. I remembered from…

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JSON and .NET Decimals




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I recently had a problem with my controller inconsistently picking up a decimal value in my model. Here’s what the Action looked like: [HttpPost] public ActionResult SaveItem(Item myItem) {…} For simplicity we’ll say this is what Item looked like: [DataContract] public class Item { [DataMember] public long Id { get; set; } [DataMember] public decimal…

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Debugging on the Web




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When we develop for Windows, we use a debugger. So why does so much of our web development follow the code refresh ”Did it work?” progression? All modern web browsers have some sort of web development tools. These can be used to check your CSS, manually manipulate Document Object Model (DOM) elements, and even debug…

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HTML5 Video: Lessons Learned




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We recently completed a web project for a client where videos were an integral part of the site. When the client came to us, they had already vetted their design ideas and had an outside firm create a final site design. Nearly every page of the site was to have a video on it that…

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