Software Development Villains

Top Ten Software Villains




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This afternoon, Doug Durham presented the afternoon keynote at the 2018 Heartland Developers Conference. In his presentation, entitled “Be the Hero – Stop Being the Development Villain”, talks about the ways we as developers can sometimes be the villain and contribute to why software often breaks. But there are other villains in this story, ones…

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DPL Education – Adding Product Search




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Search is an essential part of any e-commerce application. If you don’t believe me, go to How hard is it to find the search box? Pretty easy, right? If search is essential, we need to make it work pretty well in our applications. Our Software Design and Development Clinics focus on teaching engineers the…

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Making Sense of Blockchain




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If you’re like me, you are probably trying to make some sense of the hype (and hysteria?) around blockchain. While the concept of blockchain is fairly approachable, the applications of this technology (beyond the obvious financial transaction ledgers) is not. I have spent some time and thought trying to identify some analogies from our past…

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Don't Panic Labs Education - .NET Core and SQLite

DPL Education – .NET Core and SQLite




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Our Software Design and Development Clinics focus on teaching engineers the real-world development skills that will make them more productive and effective. Part of the class is Doug and I covering several topics, but we try to have a real focus on actually doing things. We want students to develop skill and knowledge, which takes…

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Replace Dependency Inversion - Don't Panic Labs

DPL Education – Replace Dependency Inversion




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Our Software Design and Development Clinics focus on teaching engineers the real-world development skills that will lead them to be more productive and effective. Doug and I cover several topics during the clinics, but we try to focus on actually doing things. We want students to develop skill and knowledge, which takes both learning and…

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DPL Education – Sales Tax Activity




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Our Software Design and Development Clinics focus on teaching engineers the real-world development skills that will make them more productive and effective. Part of the class is Doug and I covering several topics, but we try to have a real focus on actually doing things. We want students to develop skill and knowledge, which takes…

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The Mechanical Turk (The Love Test for Entrepreneurs)




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For the last couple of years, I have spent a significant amount of time talking to innovators both independent (entrepreneurs) and inside of organizations (intrapreneurs?). The conversations generally focus on a variation of these familiar themes: Uber for … Ebay for … Facebook for … Computer vision to … Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning to…

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Removing Friction




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Since the day I started with Nebraska Global, Doug Durham has always advocated that Cleverness = Complexity. Thus, we always strive for the simplest code, the simplest solution. This is one of our core software development principles, but it seems to also expand to organizational aspects. When we reach the business level, I might suggest…

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