Our Software Design and Development Clinics focus on teaching engineers the real-world development skills that will lead them to be more productive and effective. Doug and I cover several topics during the clinics, but we try to focus on actually doing things. We want students to develop skill and knowledge, which takes both learning and…
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Previously, we have discussed the silly arguments of tabs versus spaces, squash versus no-squash merges, and constructor injection versus service locator. Now it’s time to talk about var. When I first found var in .NET 3.5 SP1, I thought they had ruined .NET. This wasn’t the first time I thought they had ruined .NET. The…
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Previously in this series, we have discussed the silly arguments of tabs versus spaces and squash versus no-squash merges. Now we are moving on to constructor injection versus service locator. Sometimes both sides of an argument are valid, and often you are picking something based off of personal preference. This feels like one of those…
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Previously in this series, we discussed the silly argument of tabs versus spaces. Now we are moving on to squash merge versus no squash merge. Before getting into this topic, we should cover branching in Git. Git is a source control system created by Linus Torvalds. One of its key differentiators is that branching actually…
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In our industry there are conversations (arguments, really) that probably aren’t very fruitful. Some of these can include: Tabs vs Spaces Squash merge vs no squash merge git branching strategy var or not to var Constructor injection vs dependency injection Database change control – deltas vs schema I’m kicking off a series where we look…
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Our Software Design and Development Clinics focus on teaching engineers the real-world development skills that will make them more productive and effective. Part of the class is Doug and I covering several topics, but we try to have a real focus on actually doing things. We want students to develop skill and knowledge, which takes…
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In my previous post, we did things that really didn’t utilize any device features. In this post, we are going to use two native device features: email and phone. Let’s get started by installing the email plugin. ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-email-composer
npm install –save @ionic-native/email-composer Using this plugin can be a little tricky. We have…
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On January 24th, Doug spoke at our Vogon Poetry Reading about Azure Service Fabric. This technology is something that we are very bullish on as the future of hosting. Why do we like “the Fabric”? The programming model closer mimics how we currently write software. Reliability / scalability is basically baked into the fabric. Azure…
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In my first Ionic blog post, we just got started creating a simple app using Ionic. In this post, we are going to create a simple application that is a basic contact manager. To speed this along, we are going to build off of what we started in part 1. The first change is ironically…
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There are many strategies to building mobile applications. Some people prefer to go the 100% native route, writing their applications in Swift / Java. Others like to use Xamarin and write one application in C#. There are yet still some that just write a single website that works well in mobile. In this article, we…
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