GitHub Electron Tutorial: Using Electron-Boilerplate





GitHub’s Electron framework allows you to leverage the best of web technologies in a cross-platform desktop application. This tutorial shows you how to build your first Electron app using szwacz/electron-boilerplate. A few prerequisites: Git (I use the Git Shell packaged with GitHub for Windows) Node.js NSIS, if you are on Windows and want to build…

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Bauerwulf: The Unit Test Accelerator





The EliteForm team recently faced a tough problem, and perhaps you’ve experienced something similar. We’re currently amassing loads of athlete workout video for further refinement of our PowerTracker product. PowerTracker, in short, is a hardware/software solution that uses video to analyze an athlete’s form in real time at the rack. This provides never-before-seen athletic analysis….

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Feature Builder Power Tool – Introduction





This post introduces Microsoft’s Feature Builder Power Tool (Feature Builder) and describes its major components. Feature Builder is a Visual Studio Extension that allows a developer to quickly create a feature extension for Visual Studio 2010 (VS). By introducing a new framework, developers are now able to easily integrate templates, add-ins and documentation in a…

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Enforcing Architecture Rules with Visual Studio





Visual Studio Modeling Projects allow you to quickly generate useful documentation for your design: class diagrams, sequence diagrams, dependency diagrams. All are very nice to look at and useful for getting to know the system. An additional, somewhat hidden feature of Modeling Projects is the ability to enforce architecture rules. In this post I’ll go…

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Testing Session in MVC in Four Lines of Code





Controller testing in the model-view-controller (MVC) is simple. ?The level of difficulty is increased with the use of Session in the controller, but only slightly. In this post I show how to simply test controllers which use Session. Let’s try testing this controller method: The following code (in a test project) will throw a null…

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