Azure Application Gateway

Azure Application Gateway





Azure’s Application Gateway service is a load balancer. It allows for the distribution of traffic across multiple servers. This isn’t a tool we often use at Don’t Panic Labs; we tend to use more of Azure’s Platform as a Service (PaaS) tools. However, Application Gateway is still a handy tool to have in your toolbox….

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A Little More API Keys and API Gateway

A Little More API Keys and API Gateway





In my previous blog post, we dove into API Keys and AWS’s API Gateway. What we covered was pretty straightforward: we globally applied an API key and usage plan to an API. But we don’t have to do that. We can apply an API Key to an individual resource, not all the resources. Why would…

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API Keys and API Gateway

API Keys and API Gateway





API Gateway is an Amazon product that sits in front of APIs we create (which are probably hosted in AWS Lambda). Sometimes we want to limit who can access certain APIs. There are a variety of ways we can accomplish this. The first and most obvious is with API keys. API keys require that requests…

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Top to Bottom with Angular and .NET Core

Top to Bottom with Angular and .NET Core





Building modern software often involves a Single Page Application (SPA) calling to a backend service. This is pretty straightforward, but there are more steps than you would expect. In this blog post, we will walk through creating an Angular application that calls a .NET Core backend. Step 1 – Create a very simple HTML web…

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Logging and AWS Beanstalk

Logging and AWS Beanstalk





After creating an ASP.NET Beanstalk application, you might be wondering, “Where are my logs?” Without configuring CloudWatch, my logs do show within the Beanstalk UI. Note: The below image assumes no CloudWatch. After clicking Logs, you need to click Request Logs and then select how much you want to see. I usually select Last 100…

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Quick Thoughts on Google’s Media CDN

Quick Thoughts on Google’s Media CDN





Years ago, I worked at a CDN company, so I am always interested in what is going on in the content delivery space. Where is the industry headed? Last week, a major shake-up in the space occurred. Google is now enabling people to deliver videos with the same platform Google uses for YouTube. With more…

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A GitHub Action for Testing Against a PostgreSQL Database

A GitHub Action for Testing Against a PostgreSQL Database





Automated testing is an integral part of any software development project. Developers should be building these tests while they work on the actual code. A significant value of automated tests is that they can be run on every pull request. This can ensure that the tests are run in a consistent environment and not just…

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The future isn’t certain, but my decisions today will impact tomorrow. We had agency in the past, we have agency in the present, and that agency will impact our future. Sometimes we joke that a particular problem is for “Future Us”. Sometimes we shorten it to “FU It”, Future Us it. This is a silly…

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Postman Tests

Postman Tests





Postman is a tool we use to test our APIs while building them. Its UI helps make this stage in development quick and easy. But a lot of the work we do in Postman is often single-use. We write the tests, but why can’t we keep them? Actually, we can keep them. Follow along as…

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Estimating Your Cloud Costs

Estimating Your Cloud Costs




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Estimating cloud costs isn’t always easy, especially if your goal is to be super exact. The desire to be super precise will probably cause you to spend more time estimating the costs of resources than the resources might cost themselves. Always remember that development time is expensive. Trying to estimate down to the dollar isn’t…

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