Database Change Control, Part 3




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In my previous posts, I have covered two forms of database change control. Both of those focused on taking some sort of schema and deploying it. But in this post, I am changing focus to something that stores the deltas and reapplies them. Both DbUp and Code-First Migrations will basically play a continual list of…

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Database Change Control, Part 2




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Code-First is a great way to stand up a data access layer quickly and with minimal pain. Code-First really excels because it allows you to easily blow away your schema. But Code-First isn’t a great scheme if you want to do a lot of stored procedures, or if your system contains a lot of views….

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Database Change Control, Part 1




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Source control is a foundational piece of any software development process. If you are not doing source control, you are doing it wrong. You will feel some pain someday, probably some bad pain. Source control is useful for everything, not just your C# code but also your databases. Why should your database code be any…

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Getting Started with Ionic, Part 3




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In my previous post, we did things that really didn’t utilize any device features. In this post, we are going to use two native device features: email and phone. Let’s get started by installing the email plugin. ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-email-composer
npm install –save @ionic-native/email-composer Using this plugin can be a little tricky. We have…

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Vogon Poetry Review – Azure Service Fabric




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On January 24th, Doug spoke at our Vogon Poetry Reading about Azure Service Fabric. This technology is something that we are very bullish on as the future of hosting. Why do we like “the Fabric”? The programming model closer mimics how we currently write software. Reliability / scalability is basically baked into the fabric. Azure…

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Getting Started with Ionic, Part 2




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In my first Ionic blog post, we just got started creating a simple app using Ionic. In this post, we are going to create a simple application that is a basic contact manager. To speed this along, we are going to build off of what we started in part 1. The first change is ironically…

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Getting Started with Ionic, Part 1




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There are many strategies to building mobile applications. Some people prefer to go the 100% native route, writing their applications in Swift / Java. Others like to use Xamarin and write one application in C#. There are yet still some that just write a single website that works well in mobile. In this article, we…

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SOLID, Part 5: Dependency Inversion Principle




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In this five-part series, I’m covering each design principle laid out in SOLID. In this final post, I am covering the dependency inversion principle. The “D” in SOLID is a pretty well understood principle. It is supported by a variety of platforms, including Angular. The code below shows how it is implemented using Angular. The…

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SOLID, Part 4: Interface Segregation Principle




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In this five-part series, I’m covering each design principle laid out in SOLID. In this post, I am covering the Interface segregation principle. The “I” in SOLID is a principle that is easy to skip over. Everyone will always remember the “S”, because it is first. The “L” is easy to remember because it is…

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SOLID, Part 3: Liskov Substitution Principle




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In this five-part series, I’m covering each design principle laid out in SOLID. In this post, I am covering the Liskov substitution principle. Now is when things get interesting: program to an interface that can be implemented by many services. The Liskov substitution principle (LSP), created by Barbara Liskov, says we can substitute one service…

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