Blazor in Official Preview and Other Fun Things to Come from Microsoft Build 2019





Microsoft recently put Blazor into official preview. If you’ve never heard of Blazor, it started as a proof-of-concept project by Steve Sanderson with the goal to build a client web UI framework based on .NET and WebAssembly. With Blazor, we get the ability to run C# in the browser instead of JavaScript. Hence C# all…

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Azure API Management





For much of the work we do, we end up with APIs in the cloud. In the .NET world, this often means hosting a WebAPI in the cloud. With WebAPIs, we usually have endpoints that are accessible to anyone who can connect to the API. These APIs can have other requirements such as authentication, scalability,…

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Design and Development Clinic Review – April 2019




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Doug Durham and I recently completed another Software Design and Development Clinic. This week-long set of classes is designed to help level up software developers into senior developers. For us leading the classes, the week is always exhausting but they’re still one of my favorite weeks of the year. Leading even a small group of…

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Setting Up Mobile Badges: Two Methods





We all know those badges on mobile applications, the ones that show a number on application icons and, for many, cause anxiety. If you are like me and get lots of emails, you have seen 300+ of them from time to time. But what many don’t know is how those badges get their numbers. While…

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Quick Look – Azure Functions





Azure Functions are an excellent and highly-scalable application development platform in the Azure ecosystem. They also provide a lot of triggers that can be used to invoke those Functions, which allows you to use them as the basis for your application programming. For Amazon Web Services (AWS) developers, Azure Functions are very similar to Lambdas….

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Using Azure Active Directory B2C with Angular





In my previous Azure B2C post, we used Azure Active Directory B2C with an ASP.NET backend. Microsoft makes this a pretty seamless experience. You configure your Azure B2C application and then configure your ASP.NET web application. That’s it! But what if you want to use an Angular frontend? Using Azure B2C with Angular is similar…

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Earned Value





Are we there yet? Anyone with kids has probably heard this during a long car trip. Anyone in the software industry has probably heard this too. Software development projects can be huge investments of time and energy, and often weeks can go by without showing a lot of return on that investment. We often try…

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developing locally with azure cosmos db

Developing Locally with Azure Cosmos DB





Azure Cosmos DB is a fantastic technology. It provides a very robust document database with multiple query languages supported. But as with many cloud technologies, it has the problem of only being able to run from the cloud (obviously). Thankfully, some cloud technologies – like Cosmos DB – can be run on the ground, on…

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Getting Started - Azure B2C

Getting Started with Azure B2C Identity Management





Users are essential for software, but managing users isn’t a unique value-add we are often providing with our software. Letting someone else manage users for us makes a lot of sense and saves many headaches. Thankfully there are many services that do this really well. One of those services is Azure Active Directory B2C. In…

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Beer && Code: One of Our Favorite Local Meetups





One of the great things about Lincoln is its growing number of educational opportunities centered around technology and software development. One of them is near and dear to our hearts: Beer && Code. Started by Don’t Panic Labs software engineer Branden Barber (aka Beebs around the office), this monthly get-together meets at various locations around…

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