DPL Reading List – February 26, 2021
Each Friday, we share a curated list of articles we found during the past week. Here’s the list of the new and interesting ones we found this week. If there’s an article you think we should read, let us know in the comments below.
Firefox 86 Introduces Total Cookie Protection – Mozilla’s browser introduces Total Cookie Protection. This new privacy feature confines cookies to the site where they were created, preventing companies from using cookies to track your browsing from site to site.
New malware found on 30,000 Macs has security pros stumped – With no payload, a new kind of malware is stumping analysts.
The Therac-25 Incident – If you haven’t heard of the Therac-25 Incident, it is an important look at how faulty software engineering practices can have life and death consequences.
Citibank just got a $500 million lesson in the importance of UI design – Citibank was trying to make $7.8M in interest payments. It sent $900M instead.
Apple Offers Closer Look at Its Platform Security Technologies, Features – In a 196-page document, Apple offers IT professionals and researchers a detailed overview of its Secure Enclave and multiple other security controls in Apple Silicon-based Macs and other platforms. It also includes updated information for iOS 14.3, iPadOS 14.3, macOS 11.1, tvOS 14.3, and watchOS 7.2.
Make Time for Small Talk in Your Virtual Meetings – In-person meetings give us a way to converse in an unstructured environment. In contrast, online meetings tend to skip the “small talk” and get right to the agenda at hand. This isn’t good for teams. These authors provide four ways to bring back unstructured small talk.
When Our Connected Devices Lack Their Connections – Developers tend to write code for two eventualities: perfect connectivity and no connectivity at all. Yet, our devices typically reside in a gray zone. Sometimes things work perfectly, sometimes they don’t work at all, and sometimes they only work intermittently. That third situation is what we need to keep front of mind.