DPL Reading List – October 30, 2020
Each Friday, we share a curated list of articles we found during the past week. Here’s the list of the new and interesting ones we found this week. If there’s an article you think we should read, let us know in the comments below.
Make Yourself into a Zombie – Okay, this isn’t really an article – but it’s a lot of fun. Hats off to a couple engineers at Ocuvera for developing this. It’s just one example of what can be done with computer vision and neural networks.
Microsoft Teams usage jumps 50 percent to 115 million daily active users – We at Don’t Panic Labs primarily use Microsoft Teams for our meetings. This latest bump means an increase of 75 million active users.
Microsoft will force Internet Explorer users to open some websites in Edge – When Microsoft releases the next version of its Edge browser, Internet Explorer users won’t be able to access over a thousand popular websites, including YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and ESPN. Instead, they’ll be prompted to visit those websites using Microsoft Edge, its more modern, Chromium-based browser.
Intel Creating Cryptographic Codes That Quantum Computers Can’t Crack – Intel researchers developed a hardware accelerator that helps IoT devices use post-quantum cryptography.
Why Work-From-Anywhere Is Here to Stay – A conversation with Harvard Business School’s Raj Choudhury about why more companies are adopting Work-From-Anywhere as a business strategy.
How to turn on end-to-end encryption in Zoom (and why you should) – Zoom has finally launched end-to-end encryption (E2EE) for all users. Here are steps on how to enable it.
New Stent-like Electrode Allows Humans to Operate Computers With Their Thoughts – Two Australian men with neuromuscular disorders are about to receive a “stentrode” to demonstrate that home brain-computer interface systems are feasible.