Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – July 17, 2020


| July 17, 2020 | in

Each Friday, we share a curated list of articles we found during the past week. Here’s the list of the new and interesting ones we found this week. If there’s an article you think we should read, let us know in the comments below.


Hack Brief: Microsoft Warns of a 17-Year-Old ‘Wormable’ Bug – The vulnerability is called SigRed, and it exists in Windows DNS – which is used by practically every small and medium-sized organization in the world. This vulnerability has been around since 2003 and could be exploited by advanced hackers. Windows administrators should rush to patch it immediately.


IBM’s $3-Billion Research Project Has Kept Computing Moving Forward – With IBM’s “7-nm and Beyond” research initiative completed, it’s time to assess how its innovations have helped chipmakers keep up with the demands of Moore’s Law.


4 reasons why businesses should keep investing and growing during a downturn – Robert Estes, the CEO of Reveille Software, shares his thoughts on what companies should be doing during an economic slowdown: “In a financial crisis, or a pandemic, or when tensions are high politically, there is no ‘going back’ as a company. The only direction is forward.”


Infinera and Windstream Beam 800 Gigabits Per Second Through a Single Optical Fiber – As 5G networks come online, this high-speed fiber could play an important part in providing more network backhaul capacity.


More pre-installed malware has been found in budget US smartphones – There are tradeoffs with budget phones, but researchers are finding safety and security are lacking in cheaper handsets.


Lessons I learned transitioning my company to ‘working from anywhere’ – Some leaders are now recognizing that our workforce needs better support, going beyond merely “working from home”. Unexpected events can occur to any business – a strategy is needed because the future of work is already here.


‘DDoS-For-Hire’ Is Fueling a New Wave of Attacks – A cybersecurity firm has found that turf wars between different hacker groups are escalating the number of attacks against vulnerable routers and other internet-connected devices. Their goal: use the compromised hardware to run distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

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