Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – March 20, 2020


| March 20, 2020 | in

Each Friday, we share a curated list of articles we found during the past week. Here’s the list of the new and interesting ones we found this week. If there’s an article you think we should read, let us know in the comments below.

Microsoft unveils full Xbox Series X specs with 1TB expansion cards – Microsoft revealed the full specs for its Xbox Series X console this week. The new console includes support for removable storage and much faster load times for games.

As people start working remotely, hackers are trying to exploit our anxieties – Security pros say a whole new set of threats await those transitioning to home work.

It’s Still Early, but Potassium Batteries Are Showing Promise for Grid Storage – It’s still early, but potassium batteries are starting to catch up to lithium and sodium varieties.

Li-Fi Scrubs Into the Operating Room – The visible light communication scheme could offer hospitals a potentially faster, more reliable option than Wi-Fi.

11 Tips for Improving Productivity using OneNote – We’re big fans of OneNote here at Don’t Panic Labs. Check out some of the powerful ways it can help us all be more effective and productive.

Microsoft disrupts a botnet that infected 9 million computers – Microsoft predicted and blocked six million domains that could have been used for cybercrime.

Could Supercomputers and Rapid Treatment Trials Slow Down Coronavirus? – Unlike traditional R&D, where clinical trial timetables lead to drugs taking as long as 10 years to reach the market, these accelerated efforts could yield results within about a year or so.

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