DPL Reading List – January 31, 2020
Each Friday, we share a curated list of articles we found during the past week. Here’s the list of the new and interesting ones we found this week. If there’s an article you think we should read, let us know in the comments below.
The Essential Clayton Christensen Articles – Famed business consultant and academic Clayton Christensen recently passed away. In remembrance of him and his impact, HBR presents this collection of his work.
Intel Is Patching the Patch for the Patch for Its ‘Zombieload’ Flaw – Will the third time be the charm for Intel in its attempts to patch MDS flaws in their chips?
After a decade of drama, Apple is ready to kill Flash in Safari once and for all – Release notes for the latest version of the Safari Technology Preview state that the update officially ends support for Adobe Flash. While Flash has been disabled by default in Safari, an upcoming release will likely mark the end of an era.
How to Nail the Q&A After Your Presentation – Nailing the presentation is one thing. But making the most of the Q&A afterward is something else we should prepare for.
5 things Star Trek’s Captain Picard can teach you about leadership – Captain Jean-Luc Picard may be a fictional character, but lessons in leadership can still be learned from him.
Don’t Bog Yourself Down with Too Many Goals – Many of us know that we often have too many goals. But how do we go about prioritizing the right ones?
Why Private Micro-Networks Could Be the Future of How We Connect – A wave of new social media platforms are aiming to change how we interact by helping us connect with smaller and more distinct groups. Could this be our future?