DPL Reading List – November 22, 2019
Each Friday, we share a curated list of articles we found during the past week. Here’s the list of the new and interesting ones we found this week. If there’s an article you think we should read, let us know in the comments below.
LA Warns of ‘juice-jacking’ malware, but admits it has no cases – With the holiday travel season ramping up, some important things to remember when it comes to the security of our devices.
GitHub will store all of its public open source code in an Arctic vault – GitHub just announced its Archive Program. This is a plan to preserve all of its open source software for future generations, across various data formats and locations, including in the Arctic World Archive.
Sleep is critical for productivity, but many still aren’t getting enough – Fast Company worked with SurveyMonkey to conduct a survey to see how people view their own productivity and corresponding habits. They asked over 3,000 about what time of day they feel most productive, how many hours of sleep they typically get, and how often they meditate and exercise.
Cerebras Unveils First Installation of Its AI Supercomputer at Argonne National Labs – Cerebras says the computer has the machine learning capabilities of hundreds of racks worth of GPU-based computers, but it takes up only one-third of a standard rack and consumes about 17 kW. Its first applications are predicting cancer drug response and helping understand the behavior of colliding black holes and the gravitational waves they produce.
Microsoft went all in on accessible design. This is what happened afterwards – The Xbox Adaptive Controller was just the first step into more inclusive video games and voting machines. Now there are more companies joining the effort.
Why Multifactor Authentication Is Now a Hacker Target – The growing adoption of multifactor authentication (MFA) is resulting in a rise in cyberattacks that target those technologies. The FBI notes how recent cyberattack campaigns are focusing directly on circumventing MFA, and they have outlined three tactics that hackers have been developing to bypass MFA.
Inside Apple’s iPhone Software Shakeup After Buggy iOS 13 Debut – iOS 13 has more bugs than its predecessors. So Apple is overhauling its development processes. Their updated approach calls for development teams to ensure that daily builds have unfinished or buggy features disabled by default. Testers will have the option to enable those features so they can isolate the impact of each.