Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – November 15, 2019


| November 15, 2019 | in

Each Friday, we share a curated list of articles we found during the past week. Here’s the list of the new and interesting ones we found this week. If there’s an article you think we should read, let us know in the comments below.

The Transformer’s Dilemma – How can companies reap the full potential of a new digital business without impacting their current business? This is a dilemma that many face. And while it’s a challenge, it also brings with it many rewards.

Firefox at 15: its rise, fall, and privacy-first renaissance – While only about 4% to 5% of web surfers now go online through Firefox, the open-source browser from the Mozilla foundation. But things were much different when Firefox launched in 2004. Check out this historical recounting of its rise, fall, and return.

Intel Failed to Fix a Hackable Flaw in Chips Despite a Year of Warnings – Over the past two years, attacks like Spectre, Meltdown, and others have shown how hard it can be to secure a chip. And in the midst of it all, Intel still failed to fix a flaw they had been warned about.

Exclusive: Inside the design of Microsoft’s Hololens 2 – The story behind the creation of Microsoft’s latest mixed-reality headset.

Why Employees Need Both Recognition and Appreciation – Great leaders know that recognition is appropriate and necessary when it’s earned and deserved but appreciation is important all the time.

The Lines of Code That Changed Everything – Apollo 11, the JPEG, the first pop-up ad, and 33 other bits of software that have transformed our world.

Microsoft’s Project Silica offers robust thousand-year storage – An interview with a principal researcher at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, UK, about a new cold storage project. Silica aims to replace both tape and optical discs as the media of choice for large-scale, long-duration cold storage.

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