Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – November 1, 2019


| November 1, 2019 | in

Each Friday, we share a curated list of articles we found during the past week. Here’s the list of the new and interesting ones we found this week. If there’s an article you think we should read, let us know in the comments below.

50 years ago today, the internet was born in Room 3420 – A 50-year look back at what became the Internet from the people who were there.

Watch Google, Facebook, and YouTube’s rise to dominance in this hypnotic video – This cool 8-minute video shows how AOL, Yahoo, and MSN fell to the current web kingpins over the course of two decades.

Imagine the US Was Just Hit With a Cyberattack. What Happens Next? – What happens if a cyberwar breaks out for real? Seven experts in cybersecurity and national security consider hypothetical scenarios.

This is how journaling can make you a more effective leader – A journal is a private and candid space where you can explore and strengthen the skills needed to improve as a leader. So keeping a journal can be an effective way to reflect on your daily experiences and make stronger decisions.

How a months-old AMD microcode bug destroyed my weekend – When there’s a bug in a CPU, you’re usually at the mercy of your motherboard vendor to release a BIOS update. That means you can’t just go to some download link and apply a fix yourself. That’s the cause with this microcode that affects its random number generator.

The Science of “Sleeping on It” – A new study suggests that a good snooze might just be what we need to tackle the day’s problems.

DeepMind’s StarCraft Bot Has a 191-Year Head Start on Humanity – This AI system learned from half a million human games and then played itself 120 million times to master its technique. DeepMind — Alphabet’s research firm — sees tackling these kinds of games as a crucial step in bridging AI research from the realm of toy problems to real situations.

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