Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – October 11, 2019


| October 11, 2019 | in

Each Friday, we share a curated list of articles we found during the past week. Here’s the list of the new and interesting ones we found this week. If there’s an article we didn’t include and you think we should read, let us know in the comments below.

macOS Catalina and 64-bit – OS updates can be disruptive. In the case of MacOS Catalina, the upgrade may cause the loss of older apps. Both users and developers have been warned for a while that Catalina does away with 32-bit apps.

From Mainframes to PCs: What Robot Startups Can Learn From the Computer Revolution – For startups focused on robots, looking to the past may reveal a path for their future.

Email phishing scammers are getting better at mimicking your boss – Another reminder to always remain vigilant when it comes to emails – even if you think it’s from someone you know. And even though machine learning can help mitigate some of these emails, we should stay alert when it comes to the messages in our inboxes.

Why you need to accept that ‘doing your best’ looks different every day – Sometimes our expectations around “doing our best” need to be reset. There are things outside of our control that influence our work. We don’t need to do our best, we need to do what can be called our “situational best”.

Ripper—The Inside Story of the Egregiously Bad Videogame – Here’s a great piece for video game history buffs: a trip back to the 90s and a look at where video games were thought to be headed and the impact of the impermanence of old games.

Research suggests taking up baking can help you feel better – We love our creative hobbies that help refresh our minds. And we know we’re on the right track when studies reinforce our experiences.

There’s a scary new reason not to borrow a stranger’s iPhone cable – This rogue Lightning cable lets hackers take over your favorite i-device. And to make the situation worse, it’s being mass-produced. We should think twice before borrowing a stranger’s cable.

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