Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – July 19, 2019


| July 19, 2019 | in

Each Friday, we share a curated list of articles we found during the past week. Here’s the list of the new and interesting ones we found this week. If there’s an article we’d didn’t include and you think we should read, let us know in the comments below.

Behold, the most (intentionally) poorly designed website ever created – This hilariously and deliberately difficult-to-use website was built to demonstrate how much we rely on past habits and design conventions to interact with the web and digital devices.

Huskers use code to slow spread of fake news – Two students in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering are using machine learning to develop an algorithm that can automatically detect fake news on Twitter.

Why Cutting Costs is Expensive: How $9/Hour Software Engineers Cost Boeing Billions – It may seem backward, but buggy software takes longer to build. If the development culture is one where developers feel that fast and cheap is valued over continuous progress and quality software, there will be a negative impact on both the quality and the timely delivery of the software.

How to handle your overflowing inbox when you get back from vacation – We’re in the heart of vacation season. Here are some tips for dealing with the deluge of emails you’ll have when you return to the office.

The unlikely origins of USB, the port that changed everything – Former Intel engineer Ajay Bhatt tells the story of developing the now-ubiquitous USB connector.

Your biggest distraction at work isn’t your phone or social media – According to author Daniel Goldman, there are two types of distractions in the office we need to be concerned about. But there are solutions to remedy them.

Why Criticism Is Good for Creativity – One researcher has found that criticism doesn’t inhibit ideas but rather stimulate them. But for criticism to be helpful, there are some tips to foster creativity when offering it.

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