Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – September 7, 2018


| September 7, 2018 | in

Here are some of the articles we found this week.

6 apps to help you refocus after your summer vacation – “After months of laid-back, half-day Fridays, vacations, and a general slowdown in the office, once autumn arrives, it’s back to business. This can be a stressful transition for many professionals who must now switch from low power to heads-down mode to finish out the year strong. Staying on task, focusing in meetings, and delivering quality work is important, but to get your mind back on track, you could probably use a little help. Here are six recommended apps from executives and experts to help you get your work done this the fall—and beyond.”

To Cope with Stress, Try Learning Something New – “Embracing learning can be a more active way to buffer yourself from negative effects of stress at work. At the same time, there is no need to wait for stress to arise before seeking learning opportunities. Even without pressing problems, engaging in learning as a central feature of your work life will help you build personal resources and equip you to be resilient and prepared in navigating future stress at work.”

How Chrome Spent a Decade Making the Web More Secure – “For better or worse, all its years of grappling with industry and community pushback has emboldened the Chrome security team to take on more and more expansive web ecosystem projects like this. And though it’s generally been for the better so far, Chrome’s reach combined with Google’s general dominance means the stakes are high for the next 10 years. The web community will be watching to see how much Chrome truly values pluralism as the service gains more and more control online.”

Here’s how GDPR is already changing web design – “…the modern web is bloated with unnecessary features. The GDPR may be flawed, and it may not be as effective as it could be, but at the very least, it’s getting many developers to clean up their code.”

18 Blockchain Predictions for 2018 – Maybe a little late in the year for a prediction list, but a good look at blockchain beyond Bitcoin.

Be more efficient by working with your brain’s natural flow – “Scientists have worked relentlessly to understand how the brain works. However, when it comes to effectiveness at work, what works for one person doesn’t always work for another. Authors Michael Breus and Daniel Pink have both conducted an in-depth investigation on this topic and have written books on how people’s “chronotype” determines the type of activities they should be doing at different times of the day.”

How Blockbuster, Kodak and Xerox Really Failed (It’s Not What You Think) – “…these stories show that running an organization of any significance is incredibly complex and difficult. There are no easy answers. So when anybody tells us that they could have saved a multi-billion dollar enterprise with a simple, easy fix, we should have some questions. Reality is messy.”

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