DPL Reading List – September 15, 2017
Here are some of the articles we’ve been reading around this office this week.
In manufacturing, software jobs outpace production jobs for first time – “The increased demand for software developers is particularly concerning for manufacturers who are discovering how difficult it is to find qualified candidates to fill these jobs. Automakers and other manufacturers tend to be located in the Midwest and South, whereas most software developers live on the coasts. As a nation, we need our K-12 education system to start to prepare graduates for rapid growth in computing jobs — in every industry and every state.”
IoT: The Internet of (Every)thing? – “Providing useful internet-connected products to your clients is a great way to digitally transform your business. It is important to ensure that your product idea is useful, secure, stable, respects privacy and integrates with other services for it to be a success.”
Data Visualisation with 1 Billion Shazam Music Recognitions – “While at university, I joined Shazam as part time web developer. I stayed at Shazam for 5 enjoyable years. This post is about one hackday project I worked on. The project involves plotting one billion Shazam recognitions onto a blank canvas, and then observing the result.”
7 Brilliant Things Emotionally Intelligent People Do When Their Buttons Are Pushed – “In practicing a healthy level of emotional intelligence, the path to managing conflict is choosing to respond, rather than react. By responding, things don’t escalate so easily; it allows us to create the space to consider the situation and decide the best approach to handle things. Sometimes that means exercising patience, a lot of patience.”
How to Rediscover Your Inspiration at Work – “Inspiration doesn’t have to feel elusive. It’s in your capacity to increase your opportunities for new insights and ideas.”
Typography Elements Everyone Needs to Understand – “Typographical principles aren’t just arbitrary aesthetic philosophies some pretentious design student made up, they are techniques to help you present your ideas to viewers and get the most out of each word. The principles, that address each of these elements, revolve around one central idea: good communication.”
What I Learned as a Design Intern at Tesla and Uber – “Do I think I know everything after two internships? Certainly not! If anything, these internships have helped me realize the vast amount of knowledge that still needs to be learned — so much that I’ve overwhelmed myself. Stay humble, stay curious.”