DPL Reading List – July 3, 2015


| July 3, 2015 | in

Here are some of the articles we’ve been reading around this office this week.

Help People Create Passwords That They Can Actually Remember (Thanks to Jarrod Wubbels for recommending this article) – “Organizations and individuals want to protect their online privacy and information, and thus usually have some respect for their passwords. If there is a high commitment level to the website or application, people will tolerate some of the difficulties the accompany them. But it is better to so save your organization and your users’ time, money, and frustration by helping them better encode their passwords so they can easily remember them later (even after a long vacation).”

99% of Networking Is a Waste of Time (Thanks to Brian Zimmer for recommending this article) – “Almost everything in life is worthless noise, and a very few things are exceptionally valuable. This is as true in networking as it is in almost every other area of life.”

University of Washington and Chinese University Unite to Form Technology Institute (Thanks to Brian Zimmer for recommending this article) – “Seattle’s top academic and business leaders unveiled a plan to create a new institute of learning, with the goal of strengthening the educational foundation of the region’s high-tech economy. The institute, the Global Innovation Exchange, is a partnership between the University of Washington and one of China’s leading research universities, Tsinghua University. It will open in fall 2016 with a master’s degree program in technology innovation.”

26 Essential Science Fiction Novels to Get You Ready for Tomorrow – “With summer finally here, it seems the right time to publish some of that list, so I’ve collated below 26 of what I consider the most essential SF titles for people interested in imagining all possibilities for the future. Think of it as a summer reading list that’s a gateway to building tomorrow – all over your cold beverage of choice.”

Microsoft Unveils New ‘Nano Server’ in Its Next Windows Server Product (Thanks to Matt Babcock for recommending this article) – “Compared with “current builds” of Windows Server, the new Nano Server will have a virtual hard disk size that will be 93 percent smaller. System reboots will be cut by 80 percent. Maintaining the Nano Server will require “92 percent fewer critical bulletins” to apply, according to Microsoft’s announcement.”

The One-Minute Test (Thanks to Jarrod Wubbels for recommending this article) – “We find that it’s not unusual to discover that different people in the room had just attended completely different meetings. People are surprised by things that other people take as a matter of course. People take away a different emphasis about what was discussed. People’s fears and concerns are reflected in their outstanding questions.”

Do Less. More. – “There are too many pulls & tugs at our elbows for time, for coffee meetings, for advice or speaking engagements or cocktail parties or dinners. The best of the best in our industry are feeling it, too. I promise it’s not just you and I hear it from nearly everybody I know. The world seems to be spinning just a bit too fast these days. What is one to do?”

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