Whatever Bill Has…The Results





Last week we launched the “Whatever Bill Has” app, which I built as a demonstration of Azure Functions. This app is basically Build-A-Bear, but with Bill Udell. Users had eight possible options: four shirts and two pants. Bill was gracious enough to provide us with some great shirt and pants options. He also chose a…

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Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – November 24, 2017





Here are some of the articles we’ve been reading around this office this week. How Creating An Entrepreneurship Function Can Help Sustain Corporate Innovation – “Innovation can no longer be seen as a novelty sideshow. It is the work of every CEO and their top executive team to lead their companies in the creation of…

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Whatever Bill Has





Those of us who are engineers know we aren’t looked up to for our fashion sense. We tend to be t-shirt and jeans people, or sometimes t-shirt and sweatpants people. Now this isn’t a sign of anything wrong, but I often feel engineers are just focusing a little too much on the function. I think…

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Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – November 17, 2017





Here are some of the articles we’ve been reading around this office this week. Why IBM Created Its Own Typeface After A Century Without One – “Last week, the company finally debuted its own typeface: IBM Plex, which is designed to be used almost everywhere letters appear in the IBM universe. Think of it as…

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Securing the Docker API on Windows





As it is with most things Docker, the majority of the tutorials and instructions on securing the Docker API endpoints use Linux-based examples. Being new to both the Docker and the Linux world made this process a little more frustrating than I expected. However, I made my way through it and documented my journey which…

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Agile Is Not A Silver Bullet, Part 2





In my first post, I wrote about the responsibilities, goals, and struggles that development teams are facing today. In this post, I am covering our experiences and how we must take a bigger picture look at how we’re working in a world of constantly changing requirements. Our Experience So, I seemed to paint a lot…

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Don’t Design the Database First





Build bottom-up right? Start with the database schema, then models, then the UI, then ship it, right? Well, I think the majority of new projects would benefit from not focusing on the database until much later. Why not focus on the database from the start? Managing database changes in the early phases of a project…

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Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – November 10, 2017





Here are some of the articles we’ve been reading around this office this week. Artificial Intelligence Beats CAPTCHA – “A CAPTCHA is considered broken if an algorithm can successfully solve it at least 1 percent of the time. Now San Francisco Bay Area startup Vicarious reveals its AI software can solve reCAPTCHAs at an accuracy…

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A Website Without Servers – Using Azure Functions: Part 7, Angular Service





If you haven’t been following along in this series, we are building an “Engineer Fashion App” using Azure Functions. I recommend looking back at Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to see what we’ve done so far. Let’s assume we have an Azure Function that returns some JSON for our wardrobe and that…

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Agile Is Not A Silver Bullet, Part 1




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Hopefully this headline got your attention. I considered trying to come up with a hashtag like #NoTDD or #NoEstimates that seem to be popular these days. I opted for a (hopefully) catchy title instead. The purpose of this post is not to bash agile methods or to somehow suggest that we should not be following…

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