Product Development at Nebraska Global / Don’t Panic Labs




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Last Thursday we hosted an open house as part of Agile Lincoln’s monthly meetup. We were blown away by how many people showed up to see who we are, learn what we’re doing, and hear me talk about our approaches to software engineering. Since then a number of people have requested the slides and recording of…

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Broadening My Horizons (or How I Moved Outside the Silo and Learned a New Development Methodology)




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I’ve been writing software professionally for ten years. Primarily I’ve worked on the web, but I’ve written everything from line-of-business apps to SQL business reports to CMS-based websites. I’ve always worked in small shops with one to three developers. We’ve always been fairly siloed; each of us writing our own software that we were individually…

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How to Think Like a Mathematician





During our work on the hardware-based, motion-tracking side of EliteForm, we started out in a heavy R&D mode. We went through a number of possible solutions and the process was prototype, prototype, prototype. Once our current technology passed our smoke tests, we needed to put it through several rigorous testing and validation cycles to see…

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Enforcing Architecture Rules with Visual Studio





Visual Studio Modeling Projects allow you to quickly generate useful documentation for your design: class diagrams, sequence diagrams, dependency diagrams. All are very nice to look at and useful for getting to know the system. An additional, somewhat hidden feature of Modeling Projects is the ability to enforce architecture rules. In this post I’ll go…

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Custom Plugin Modules





By far my favorite feature of .NET reflection is the ability to easily implement custom plugin libraries. Whenever you have a nice generic business class that suddenly needs custom functionality for a particular scenario or customer, you usually have three choices: Implement the custom code in the library itself. This is the quick and dirty…

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