On Innovation




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Over the years, I have worked with a number of large and medium-sized companies on innovation related efforts. All have expressed the desire to innovate, but most have fundamental issues that prevent internal innovation from succeeding. At Don’t Panic Labs, we work with companies to help overcome technical limitations, but many of the fundamental challenges…

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Big Omaha Is Dead…Long Live Big Omaha





I have been to every Big Omaha since its debut in 2009. I do not think that this means very much other than I have the ability to contextualize this year’s event through the lens of time. This was not the best Big Omaha, but it also was not the worst. The speakers were interesting…

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Why We Love Microsoft





So, I recently sent out a company-wide email regarding our firm’s favorite apps. I expected to see some obscure technical responses or maybe a couple Spotify-like cultural ones, but I did not expect to hear so much about Microsoft. Actually, I was shocked by what was returned. Of the responses, almost all of them referenced…

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