Custom Configuration Sections





AppSettings in app.config is great for making your app configurable without having to recompile it. You specify a key to get a value to avoid hardcoding configurations. There are two advantages to creating your own custom configuration over basic appSettings: Enumerate a list of configurations without having to hardcode each key in your code. Store…

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Debugging LINQ





LINQ is awesome! It allows you to write very concise and easy to understand queries. However, it also hides the actual queries, which can make debugging a bit more difficult. I recently experienced this firsthand when I had to debug a LINQ statement that I didn’t write. But the silver lining was that I found…

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Hari’s Favorite Visual Studio Shortcuts





I’ve always wanted to write a blog post containing my favorite Visual Studio keyboard shortcuts. However, this guy beat me to it. But that’s okay because I learned a few tricks that I didn’t know. Of course there many useful shortcuts than the six he mentioned. Here are some that I use all the time:…

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Wintergaten - Marble Machine

Things You Do Not Know You Do Not Know




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You may have seen this video of the marble music machine and thought, “Wow, that’s pretty cool.” I sure did. As a maker, I was probably more impressed because I recognized the complexities involved and imagined many of the issues he overcame to make it work. Or so I thought. When he published more videos…

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