Building Angular Applications Using GitHub Actions
Angular is a very popular web application framework. From a web framework perspective, it is probably the most complete and, in my opinion, a very useable framework. I can see why some have issues with it, but it is very okay, which is probably the best thing to be said about any framework.
At Don’t Panic Labs, we tend to use Azure DevOps for many of our projects, or at least many of the projects I have interacted with. I wanted to attempt to build an Angular web application using GitHub Actions.
GitHub Actions is GitHub’s solution for automating behaviors when your source code changes. DevOps has similar features, features so similar that you can almost confuse the format of the action file with a DevOps build pipeline.
What do you need to put into our GitHub Action file?
First, we need to name our build and determine when it should be triggered.
Next, we will need to create our job for when the build is completed.
This build will have many steps. The first step will be to check out the source.
Then we will update NodeJS. The Angular project I am using requires Node 18.
Then we will install the npm packages and build our Angular application.
These steps are pretty straightforward, and the configuration is simple. Feel free to give it a try for your Angular applications.
Here is the entire script.