DPL Reading List – March 12, 2021
Each Friday, we share a curated list of articles we found during the past week. Here’s the list of the new and interesting ones we found this week. If there’s an article you think we should read, let us know in the comments below.
Taking a Break Doesn’t Always Mean Unplugging – While tech-based breaks are helpful, we should also include a combination of physical movement, social interaction, and brain stimulation to recharge throughout the day.
Drive-Throughs That Predict Your Order? Restaurants Are Thinking Fast – Restaurant chains are learning from pandemic lessons and using technology to improve customer experience.
Microsoft was warned months ago — now, the Hafnium hack has grown to gigantic proportions – A growing number of organizations that run their own Exchange servers are finding they may have been hacked by a state-sponsored Chinese hacking group known as Hafnium.
A new type of supply-chain attack with serious consequences is flourishing – New dependency confusion attacks take aim at Microsoft, Amazon, Slack, Lyft, and Zillow.
Could The Simpsons Replace Its Voice Actors With AI? – Deepfake technology can make convincing replicas from a limited amount of data, and the show has thirty years of audio to work from.
Demand for fee to use password app LastPass sparks backlash – A recent move by the popular password manager has many pushing back against the two equity firm owners.
Lou Ottens, Inventor Of The Cassette Tape, Has Died – The cassette tape was his answer to the large, clunky, and expensive reel-to-reel tapes. His invention created a sensation and is seeing a resurgence in the past few years. And these cassettes were also used for computer data storage for several years.