In my previous post, I covered my quest to build a shareable component library, using Vue 3. In this post, I will cover taking the current library and turning it into a Monorepo that can handle multiple libraries with Lerna. Prep the Repo To this: Note: You have a package.json file in the root folder…
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In this series, we are focusing on creating a software system. This has many steps. We created a mental model. Next, we got an overview of the project. Then, we gathered requirements and built an epic-level backlog. In this step, we are going to take those artifacts and break them down into core use cases…
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What follows is my quest to build a sharable component library using Vue 3. A project came along that required a way to share components between two Vue projects, but that was also supposed to lay the foundation for using some of the same components across more projects in the future. As this is a…
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There is a wonderful template in Visual Studio to create a FullStack application that serves Vue 3 as the frontend and .NET core as the backend. Microsoft even provides a tutorial on it. But as usual, once you want to customize, things get complicated. I’ve spent hours trying to understand why I could not change…
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Becoming a developer lead is an exciting step in your career. It’s a role that blends technical expertise with leadership and mentorship, making you the glue that holds your team together. Whether you’re stepping into this position for the first time or looking to refine your approach, here’s a guide to help you navigate the…
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How do you think about roles and how people fit into roles? This question often arises when evaluating how someone fits into a particular role. No one is perfect or a perfect fit for any role. But the right people will fit most of a given role. It is valuable to have consistent ways to…
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Nearly seven years ago, I published a blog post about my favorite user experience (UX) books. I figured it was time to revisit my list and share why these are my current favorites. Living with Complexity – Don Norman (2016), 308 pages Don Norman continues to be a thought provoking and grounding resource for me….
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Many people I’ve talked to know how to find a dummy credit card number for testing. And if you don’t, here’s a link: Fewer people that I’ve talked to know where to find dummy email addresses, and this info was more difficult for me to find online. If you’re working in a legacy codebase…
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Recently, I ran into an issue with loading data from a JSON file that was supposed to be generated through a separate process. If that process failed, I wanted to create a temporary fallback mechanism that would get the same data loaded. The problem was that the data in the JSON file was supposed to…
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Introduction: Why You Need to Care It’s astonishing and yet unsurprising, given the last few decades of rapid technological growth, that the software industry remains so vulnerable to failure. Despite being the backbone of nearly every facet of modern life—transportation, healthcare, education, finance—software development is plagued by alarming inefficiencies and inconsistencies. We’re at a critical…
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