Learning to Code





A lot of people have been asking recently, “How do I get into coding?” We happen to really, really love coding and are happy to share what we know. We realize that everyone’s journey is different and emphasize that there certainly is no silver bullet that guarantees success. With that in mind, we assembled some…

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HTML5 Video: Lessons Learned




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We recently completed a web project for a client where videos were an integral part of the site. When the client came to us, they had already vetted their design ideas and had an outside firm create a final site design. Nearly every page of the site was to have a video on it that…

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Scoping Selectors in CSS and jQuery: Working Small to Big





SS and jQuery selectors can be very powerful, but with great power comes great chances to mess things up (yes, you can quote that). One such problem I’ve seen is applying these selectors at a much higher level than is needed. This may work for some cases, but will probably end up causing headaches and…

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