No debugging adventure is boring. As a case in point, I was recently trying to nail down the cause of some weird behavior experienced by a specific customer with a specific setup on a specific mobile device running EliteForm’s Paperless application. The majority of the work on Paperless was completed by our student-lead Design Studio…
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A lot of people have been asking recently, “How do I get into coding?” We happen to really, really love coding and are happy to share what we know. We realize that everyone’s journey is different and emphasize that there certainly is no silver bullet that guarantees success. With that in mind, we assembled some…
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Neema Bahramzad is a senior Computer Engineering major at the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and was one of our 2012 summer interns. He is also co-founder, along with Caitlin Bales, of Locabal – of a new company whose mission is to connect producers of handcrafted…
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Below is an example of how I like to use properties to access HTML items from code-behind. It allows you to have strongly-typed objects and a single point of access to HTML items.
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