All Work and No Play (Not Here)





If you’re familiar with Stanley Kubrick’s haunting film The Shining, then you surely remember the scene where Wendy finds what she thinks is the manuscript of Jack’s novel. Instead, she finds the following typed repeatedly over hundreds of pages: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.1 Creepy. But at the same time,…

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Using Your Skills Outside the Office





Community service. For some, this conjures up thoughts of high school requirements or punishment for breaking the law. For us and many others around the world, it’s a way to give back to those around us. We at Nebraska Global/Don’t Panic Labs get involved in many community service projects, but we have an opportunity to…

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What I Love About Nebraska Global and Don’t Panic Labs





There are many things I love about working at Nebraska Global/Don’t Panic Labs, but one of my favorites is how we don’t get caught up in hype, PR, and buzz. A little while ago, we completed our capital raise of $37.3 million. We actually overshot our target of $30 million and ended up turning down…

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Working for a Startup





We were recently fortunate enough to bring Tom Chapman on board with Nebraska Global. In addition to what he does here, he’s also a regular contributor for Silicon Prairie News in a series called Innovation Chamber. On Tuesday, he published a blog post called What is it Like to Work in a Startup? It’s a…

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Welcome to Don’t Panic Labs





Don’t Panic Labs is not your traditional work environment. You’re given a lot of freedom, but you’re also given a lot of responsibility, and that responsibility pretty much starts your first day in the office. No break-in periods here. Obviously this can sometimes be a bit overwhelming for the new employee. Being one of the…

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More Than a Way to Unwind





At Don’t Panic Labs, we’re lucky enough to have various ways to unwind after several hours of productive, heads down development. When we’re not scheming and devising contraptions to unleash a deluge of cheeseballs on an unsuspecting victim, we can always take out some pent-up energy on one of our pinball machines. These vintage pieces…

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