Code reviews are one of the best things you can use as a proxy for how things are going on a project. Just the lack of code reviews is very telling. But how long it takes to do code reviews can also be telling, as can the size of code reviews. If you have to…
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AWS has a lot of great services, but one of the most useful is also one of the least sexy: a basic user management service called Cognito. Cognito provides authentication for users in the cloud. For those of us used to the Azure world, think Azure B2C but with a less awkward configuration. I actually…
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AWS Lambdas are, from a technology perspective, a lot like Azure Functions. They provide a simple and cost-effective way to host code in the cloud, and they can respond to a variety of events such as HTTP requests or queue triggers. Azure DevOps is a platform for hosting projects in the cloud, including task management,…
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Note: This post was originally published on Doug’s website on July 20, 2021. Last week, I had the privilege to give the opening keynote at the 2021 Nebraska.Code() conference. My topic was Musings on Developer Maturity and Growth where I laid out a model for creating developer maturity proto-personas using IEEE’s Guide to the Software…
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Education has been a common thread throughout our life at Don’t Panic Labs. It used to be about educating our team and the community through various public events. Then we created our Advanced Continuing Education program for developers, a week-long intensive that covers several topics around modern software development. With the creation of Nebraska Dev…
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Parsing files is one of the most common coding operations we perform in software development. Often the goal of parsing a file is to transform it into another format. In this blog post, we parse some CSV data, read the data, and write the data to a CSV file. All of which is pretty easy….
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PrimeNG is a framework for building web applications, comparable to Angular Material, which we have used previously. PrimeNG is a lot like Angular Material; it provides a bunch of components we can use to build our web applications. The difference with PrimeNG is the sheer number of components. PrimeNG has more components than Angular material,…
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.NET Core has changed things quite a bit from the old .NET Framework days. While it is really easy to look at a .NET Core console application and think it is pretty much a .NET Framework application, there are potentially many differences. In both .NET Framework and .NET Core, you can quickly just create a…
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Azure Functions supports a little-known feature call “Proxies.” This feature could be used to enable many features for your Azure Function. What we are going to discuss here is using proxies to host the static site (in this case, Angular) that calls our Azure Function backend. Azure Functions are sometimes classified as a serverless solution…
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At Don’t Panic Labs, we build a lot of software. Much of it is for new greenfield projects, but we also do a good amount of brownfield improvement projects. But regardless of the type of project, we want certain things in place, and a big one of those items is automated builds. Automated builds are…
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