CSS Grid Layout: The Future is Now





Over the history of the web, there have been a number of different ways in which we laid out content. From the earliest days when we had plain ol’ markup, through the HTML tables and spacer gif era, past the float and clearfixes, and up to today where we can use flexbox and get support…

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“What browser do you want to support?”





This question gets asked at the beginning of most web projects and places fear in the heart of both developers and product owners. And rightfully so, but there are readily-available tools to take much of the fear and apprehension out of this inquiry. A (Not So) Simple Inquiry While I’m using the web browser in…

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The Intangibles of Product Debt





Let’s talk about debt. You’re most likely aware of technical debt. You’ve possibly heard of UX debt. You may have even heard of product debt. If you’re not familiar with these terms, let’s use the following definitions: Technical Debt: those internal things that you choose not to do now, but will impede future development if…

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To Sass Or Not To Sass: Thoughts On Preprocessors





As with almost all subjects, there are plenty of opinions about CSS preprocessors. And if the internet is good for anything, it’s posting your opinions. Over the past few years, my opinions of preprocessors have fluctuated between “Whoa this is awesome!” to “They’re good, but…”. I currently sit somewhere in the middle where I feel…

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Why Accessibility Matters (To Me)





For a number of years, I’ve been following the topic of web accessibility. My interest began as a curiosity, a desire to better understand what it was and how to make it happen. Over the years, though, that curiosity has changed to a deep-seated need to understand and make better overall products. Before going any…

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