Azure Face, Part 3: Doug vs Bill
In my previous post, we wrote some code to determine if we had Doug in an image. But we were not comparing Doug against anyone else. Now it’s time to make a small tweak to train the system to recognize Doug when we give it an image of someone else – like Bill.
The code for this will be very similar as last time, but now with the risk that we could get a different person than we expect. So how do we compare one person against another?
The Azure Face API makes this pretty easy. The API “identify” call returns a person candidate object, which contains a GUID for that person. We can use that GUID to call the Get method on the PersonGroupPerson API to retrieve the correct person. This allows us to have a pretty simple method that returns a person within an image.
The overall code is for this version is very similar to what we’ve done so far:
- Create a faces client
- Create a person group
- Create two people (Doug & Bill)
- Add images of Doug to person “Doug”
- Add images of Bill to person “Bill”
- Train the image recognizer
- Test recognizer to identify a particular person
- Let the recognizer tell us who it thinks it found