Targeting .NET Standard in Xamarin Forms and Shared Libraries





Cassey shares how the Ocuvera team converted a legacy project to NET Standard for use in Xamarin Forms.

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don't panic labs reading list

DPL Reading List – October 13, 2017





Here are some of the articles we’ve been reading around this office this week. Data From 3.5 Million Employees Shows How Innovation Really Works – “Once everyone is thinking about ideas – and imagining that their cool concept might actually move the company – you get the while company effectively engaged in innovation. And in…

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Services vs Objects





Cats vs dogs. I am a dog person. You could say I myself am needy for attention, but I like to think I enjoy the aggressive love of a dog. Our family dog constantly forces himself onto my lap while I am reading a book. Dogs really, really want to be included. Now I have…

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Development Teams Need a Coach





I was talking with a colleague recently who is part of an organization that has recognized that their development processes, culture maturity, etc., was holding them back. The conversation went something like this… “As a developer, I would see Don’t Panic Labs as a dream job given the emphasis and adherence to consistent software design…

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Azure’s Container Registry with Docker (Quickstart!)





If you’re wondering how to best leverage your Azure account in the midst of containerizing all your things, then you’re in luck. Azure’s got you covered. In this article, I’m focusing on Azure’s container registry, because I think it will fit into my workflow a little better than other container repositories like Docker Hub. Personally,…

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Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – October 6, 2017





Here are some of the articles we’ve been reading around this office this week. Research: For Better Brainstorming, Tell an Embarrassing Story – “Candor led to greater creativity. Thus, we propose a new rule for brainstorming sessions: Tell a self-deprecating story before you start. As uncomfortable as this may seem, especially among colleagues you would…

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A Website without Servers – Using Azure Functions Part 3





In part 2 of this series, we learned how to set up source control for an Azure Function project. Now we are going to learn how to do it a better way, and probably the way you want to do it. Previously, we learned how to link a VSO source control location project with our…

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Unit Testing Private Methods




in ,

Unit tests are great! Encapsulation is great! When writing testable code, sometimes you come across a situation where you want to test private methods. Before implementing any solution, please think about why you are wanting to test a private method and whether it should be tested. If you still would like to test your private…

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Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – September 29, 2017





Here are some of the articles we’ve been reading around this office this week. Why Innovation Flounders in Established Companies – “Corporate innovation initiatives have spent decades looking at other corporate structures as models for innovation when in fact we should have been looking at startups for innovation models — and adapting and adopting them for corporate…

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Don't Panic Labs Reaction

Lab Reaction: Lessons from Apple and Nissan





I have been thinking a lot lately about people’s reactions to the recent Apple announcements. The most common feedback I hear is the “OMG $1000 phone?!?!?”, but let’s save my thoughts on that for another day. When I read this Forbes article about Apple and Nissan, I reflected on why I appreciate these types of…

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