Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – February 23, 2018





Here are some of the articles we’ve been reading around this office this week. Google Thinks The Future Of The Web Is . . . Email – “Usually this sort of insider baseball development standard stuff isn’t worth writing about, but AMP for Email comes at a particularly salient time. The opaque algorithms of Twitter,…

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Database Change Control, Part 2





Code-First is a great way to stand up a data access layer quickly and with minimal pain. Code-First really excels because it allows you to easily blow away your schema. But Code-First isn’t a great scheme if you want to do a lot of stored procedures, or if your system contains a lot of views….

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Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – February 16, 2018





Here are some of the articles we’ve been reading around this office this week. Why Every Company Should Consider Creating a “Cyber No-Fly List” – “A cyber no-fly list can use deeper context and intelligence about digital traffic, asking, for example, “Is this traffic from a known malicious actor?” If so, the company should probably…

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Database Change Control, Part 1





Source control is a foundational piece of any software development process. If you are not doing source control, you are doing it wrong. You will feel some pain someday, probably some bad pain. Source control is useful for everything, not just your C# code but also your databases. Why should your database code be any…

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Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – February 9, 2018





Here are some of the articles we’ve been reading around this office this week. Super Bowl MVP Nick Foles’s Post-Game Interview Is a Powerful Lesson in Leadership – “[Foles] knew that great teams aren’t only about who’s on your team, but about how the team works together. By showing humility, setting the example, and praising…

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Choosing a UI Design Tool: Adobe XD





Ever since leaving my Mac (and my love affair with Sketch) and switching to a Surface Book 2, Adobe XD has been my go-to tool for wireframing and interactive prototyping. XD is currently Adobe’s only user experience design software. It supports light vector design, wireframing, and creating interactive click-through prototypes. I adopted Adobe XD during…

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Getting Started with Ionic, Part 3





In my previous post, we did things that really didn’t utilize any device features. In this post, we are going to use two native device features: email and phone. Let’s get started by installing the email plugin. ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-email-composer
npm install –save @ionic-native/email-composer Using this plugin can be a little tricky. We have…

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Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – February 2, 2018





Here are some of the articles we’ve been reading around this office this week. Perfectionism Is Increasing, and That’s Not Good News – “Perfectionism is a misleading trait. It promises meticulousness, hard work, and dedication but, although it can deliver motivation and performance, also delivers mental health difficulties. Our research suggests that perfectionism is increasing….

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Vogon Poetry Review – Azure Service Fabric





On January 24th, Doug spoke at our Vogon Poetry Reading about Azure Service Fabric. This technology is something that we are very bullish on as the future of hosting. Why do we like “the Fabric”? The programming model closer mimics how we currently write software. Reliability / scalability is basically baked into the fabric. Azure…

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Don't Panic Labs Reading List

DPL Reading List – January 26, 2018





Here are some of the articles we’ve been reading around this office this week. Inside Amazon Go, a Store of the Future – “Inside is an 1,800-square foot mini-market packed with shelves of food that you can find in a lot of other convenience stores – soda, potato chips, ketchup. It also has some food…

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